Sunday, August 24, 2014

Musings and Visions one

Greetings All,
I created this blog, hopefully to be interactive.

Lately, I am tired of the endless cycles and roles and systems that humans have created on the planet. While I know that there are a few Givens, ie we are born, we live our lives, and we feeling is that it is time for a huge shift if the human race would like to continue. 

I am very interested in practical, doable, OUT OF THE BOX VISIONS for life on this planet. The key word is doable, so that anyone anywhere who wants to be a part of this SHIFT can contribute.

Think big! Think miracle! Think outside of politics, systems, religion, money. Think humans as one of many species on the planet. Perhaps thinking of us as a species will help.

First....lets create a vision for the planet. A realistic one.
Then...lets get it happening.

I am not an idealist. I am not looking for airyfairy ideas here, but something, like the icebucket challenge that recently caught on like wildfire.

My belief is that the switch we need may be easier to turn on than we think. That someone, somewhere has a thought or series of thoughts that can perhaps make peace as interesting as violence, allow humans to see their place in balance on the earth. I don't know. I do know the status quo is not working and I do believe people would get behind a DOABLE vision. 

So send me your thoughts. Dialogue here if anything inspires you. Please do not get into religious, political, cultural differences discussions. This needs to outside all those boxes.

Here is a starting point. What do you think?

Get Turned Off
The Ten Minute Challenge

Get Quiet   Watch Your Mind  Change the World

The idea being that if say 28,000 people got quiet and watched their minds for 10 minutes in as many places as possible on the planet, someone somewhere might get a glimpse of a different way of life.

Thanks for your ideas. 

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